U.S challenges Nigeria women to play more active role in 2019 election

In preparation for the 2019 general elections, the United State of America has challenged Nigeria women to considered playing a more active role in politics by lobbying to have laws passed, that would eliminate barriers to empower them in all aspects.
Speaking on the theme, “Women in Leadership and Good Governance”, during International Women’s Day event in Lagos, yesterday, the US Consul General, Mr. John Bray, said that the level of enthusiasm that he seen by Nigerian women and their aspirations for political participation, call for government accountability and transparency, and their desire to contribute to national development is impressive.
“We believe that conducting peaceful and credible elections every four years, as Nigeria did last year, is an important element of a democratic system”, Bray said.
He further said that a vibrant civil society, an independent judiciary, and a strong media must constantly monitor to ensure that elected officials are transparent and accountable.
He also urged the people to continue your vigilance and action in holding elected officials accountable.
In the society, men have historically had an advantage in politics and all other aspects of civic, he explained.
“And in Africa, you know the cultural norms better than I do. You know that at home, school, the workplace and elsewhere, girls and women typically have fewer opportunities than their male counterparts to acquire policy and leadership skills”.
The political domain may be the least amenable to gender equality because it is subject to the rules of the “godfather. Maybe it’s time for women to form coalitions to become “godmothers” for women political aspirants. Lacking connections and clout, women find it harder to raise money for political campaigns, he said.
“Thus, women often enter public life through alternative routes such as charities and women’s organizations or by filling a seat vacated by their husband.
“I hope that you will be creative and find ways, perhaps through social media, to have your voice heard and amplified to such an extent that you can become a viable candidate in future elections, Bray said.
According to Kowa Party candidate for the 2015 Presidential Elections, Prof. Remi Sonaiya, women are highly committed to promoting national and local policies that address the socioeconomic and political challenges facing women, children and disadvantage groups.
She added that the women are strongly committed to peace building, as they often disproportionately suffer the Consequence of armed conflict.
She further said that, “She will keep on working to ensure that her party continues to provide an enabling environment for women’s participation in politics, so that our nation can reap the full benefit of having the capacities and skills”.