PPCA sensitize secondary school students on important of HR

The Lagos Island Personnel Practitioner’s Consultative Association (PPCA) under the umbrella of Chartered Institute of Personnel Management of Nigeria (CIPM) has decided to boost it awareness strategy by sensitizing secondary school students on the important of Human Resource Management.
Speaking during the awareness to students of King Ado Secondary School in Lagos Island the Chairman Lagos Island PPCA, Mr. Adeyemi Ajayi said sensitizing the secondary school is an advantage to catch them young because they are still refresh and some of them are yet to decide the kind of professional body that they will join.
There is a need for this advocacy to come up, because we believe that many of the young ones need to be educated about HRM, many of them did not know the important or duty of an HR personnel in an organization and this we see as one of the things that can cause setback for our country. Every corporate organisation are in need of HR personnel, there is no organisation that can survive or measure up to stand without HR personnel and this are the things we need to let these young ones be aware of, he said.
He stressed further that HRM is not a just a profession it is a way of life that we all need to embrace. It teaches us how to manage human being and also our resources which I think is important to our country presently. We need to start bringing them on board now.