Group renews commitment to promoting good governance in Osun

The Osun Development Association (ODA) has reinstated its determination to seek partnership and stakeholder collaboration to promoting political enlightenment initiatives as part of strategic growth agenda for the State.
The Group recently at its Executive Council Meeting approved for implementation the reports of the policy groups on Education, Agriculture, Tourism, Mining as well as the Research and strategy Committees.
In considering the report of the Leadership and Governance committee, the Council endorsed the recommendations part of which sought to collaborate with organizations in broadcast media, print, digital online, as well as government agencies, civil society organizations , faith-based organizations and political parties in creating platforms for political education, candidates’ debates, and engagement on electoral values.
This, according to the Chairman of the Association, Dr Segun Aina, will help reinforce and establish steps towards ensuring good and credible governance for the State.
Specifically, the Association is seeking to create platforms that will help deepen democratic structures by creating enlightenment on citizens’ right, adequate political education, participation & empowerment.
Said he: “The governorship elections in September 2018 will provide a good opportunity for us to engage the public and political class in creating an atmosphere for very good candidates to emerge and for the voting public to be better informed. “ This, it is hoped will be through public enlightenment campaigns, candidates’ manifesto workshops and debate by the governorship candidates. The non-partisan approach will be extremely beneficial to the political class, the candidates and the voting public. The Broadcasting Organisation of Nigeria (BON), the Newspapers Association of Nigeria (NPAN), the Nigerian Guild of Editors (NGE) and Osun State Broadcasting Corporation (OSBC), Nigerian Union of Journalists (NUJ) are some of the partners that are being canvassed.
The ODA is a non-partisan body of eminent sons and daughters of Osun set up in 1995 as an intervention group in the affairs of and the accelerated development of Osun State.