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Coscharis says restructuring Nigeria will engender rapid development



Coscharis says restructuring Nigeria will engender rapid development

The President, Coscharis Group Ltd., Mr Cosmas Maduka, on Tuesday said that restructuring Nigeria would address its socio-economic challenges and engender rapid development.

“I say this confidently because it will bring the best out of Nigerians,’’ Coscharis told our correspondent in Lagos.

“The story of Nigeria is like the story of a man who hitherto, had worked hard and taken care of his children but along the line, he won a lottery and told the children to go and sleep and not to worry but every month to come to him for whatever money they required.

“Unfortunately, as the man was getting old, the lottery money was depleting and his children’s sense of responsibility were already getting rotten and cast in that flamboyant situation that their father can no longer afford.

“In a system where a governor of a state has no incentive to encourage the growth of business in his state, to do something to develop his people or even if he sees any viable business and feels the person is in opposition, he can close it because that is not what he is depending on.

“At the end of the month, he goes to Abuja and collects money to spend.

“By the time we restructure, each region will go back to the basics, to where we were before and we start competing with each other, it brings out the best out of us because the right description of poverty is unproductivity but God created a man to be a manager.

“Those of us who are Christians, If you read Genesis 2 vs 4 and 5, the Bible says because it has not rained on the earth is because there was no man till the ground.

“So, the essence of creating a man is to get a manager who will be able to manage the resources, but we have not found people who can manage our resources,’’ he said.

Maduka said that his dream was for Nigeria to take its rightful place in the comity of nations and expressed optimism that it would come to pass.

According to him, Nigeria is fully blessed with all the human resources that if its leaders can deploy all the natural resources in the nation, the country will have no business wallowing in lack.

“Our challenge is that of good leaders. If we can get the right people to lead us into productivity, the level of Nigeria’s development will be unprecedented,’’ he said.

Coscharis, who prayed God to give Nigeria leaders that would lead it out of oil as a main stay, urged candidates running for various political offices in 2019 to come up with clear cut agenda on how they plan to solve the nation’s problems rather than telling us about the plans and problems not what is required to resolve them.

On why he never delved into politics, Coscharis said: “Leadership is inborn. You cannot crave for it. That is why if you find a good leader they have passion for it.

“There are a lot of persons who have gone into politics just to amass wealth. They have gone there to become Coscharis but never achieved anything but just happy to steal government’s money.

“I am a great leader in what I am doing. I have created not less than 3000 jobs in the Coscharis Group. My understanding of life is that eternal life is living for others.

“I feel I have impacted people’s lives. I don’t compete with politicians because you live what you are called for,’’ he added.

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