Loving yourself first

No relationship can give you joy like you having a quality relationship with yourself. To be genuinely happy, you have to go to the root of your worries and deal with it from there, which most times isn’t about intimacy with the opposite sex.
Most people today would be happier with their lives without being in relationships. They later realized that marriage isn’t even the answer to that vacuum they feel, hence, the sudden urge to break free again.
Happiness starts with oneself…
You cannot give what you don’t have. No one should be made to go into a relationship to seek happiness, they must be happy enough to have excess to give to another.
Dear single, you owe yourself all the happiness in the world, do not let anyone make you feel ashamed of your singleness. Take time to evaluate what your greatest priorities are. Never rush into marriage. Take your time. Have all the fun you can have. Go learn that trade. Start that career. Do what you enjoy doing most. Go get a second degree. Pursue that masters or PhD. Make friends, travel, eat, sleep, most importantly, be genuinely happy doing them.
At the end of it all, no one really cares, everyone else is busy building their lives, refuse to be cajoled… Stand your ground, never be intimidated. Do you!