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Nollywood’s Film Directors partner DRTS on road users’ education



Nollyood’s film directors on the platform of Directors Guild of Nigeria(DGN) and the Directorate of Road Traffic Services (DRTS) in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) are set to partner on road users’ education.

The Chairman of DGN in FCT, Mr Emmanuel Eyaba, said this on Tuesday during a meeting with the management of DRTS in Abuja.

Eyaba told FCT DRTS Director, Dr Abdul-lateef Bello that the guild was ready join hands with his team in curbing road traffic abuses in the territory.

According to him, the move is part of the guild’s efforts towards using films to promote people-oriented government policies and programmes towards a better society for all through collaboration with relevant agencies.

Eyaba, who said that the DRTS played an important role in ensuring safety of road users, lamented that many road users within the FCT were yet to fully understand and appreciate it.

He expressed the guild’s willingness to use films, skits and other platforms as road users education tools and to promote cordial relationship between the DRTS and citizens.

“There is this notion most Nigerians have about the DRTS; once they are driving and they see an officer wearing black and white uniform, they suddenly get angry as if they have seen an enemy.

“But on a second note, these VIO officers are simply doing their job and that is why we want to work with the directorate to help create enlightenment and advocacy programmes.

“We want to tell people that if your car documents are expired simply go and renew them and nobody will trouble you.

“So, the DGN is here to create this partnership with the DRTS on how we can create enlightenment programmes such skits and comedies.

“We watch these skits for entertainment, but they are strong instruments for disseminating the right information and correction of wrong perceptions.

“Besides, the guild is willing to create a traffic TV for the directorate where these enlightenment contents will be shared on social media platforms such as YouTube, Facebook and Instagram,” he said.

In his remarks, Bello lauded DGN for the initiative and expressed the Directorate’s willingness to work with the guild as a potent partner in citizens education.

He noted that the wrong attitude of Nigerians towards law enforcement agents was a systemic problem that should be corrected with the right information over time.

“Just as citizens react when they see police on the road, that is how they do when they see our men on the road, and that is systemic problem that we must address.

“The initiative and suggestion by the DGN are germane to our operations, especially in creating the right perception and impression about our operations and the conduct of our personnel.

“We are opened to this kind of collaboration geared towards creating the right attitude and compliance of road users,” he said.

The Director noted that the DRTS, under his watch, was undergoing operational reforms such as creation of self-service for customers and e-enforcement operations that needed intense public awareness.

He, therefore, urged the guild to come up with a formal proposal as a springboard on which both parties would work towards establishing a formal working relationship.

Joshua Olomu

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