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MNJTF Commander restates commitment to restoring peace in Lake Chad region



The new Force Commander, Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF), Maj.-Gen. Ibrahim Ali has said that the force has requisite capacity to restore peace and stability in the Lake Chad region.

Ali stated this in a statement by Lt.-Col. Abubakar Abdullahi, Military Public Relations Officer, MNJTF, on Wednesday in Maiduguri.

The statement said the Commander stated this during his maiden visit to the headquarters of the Lake Chad Basin Commission (LCBC), N’djamena, Chad.

The commander maintained that to restore law and order in the region, all hands must be on deck for the Force to achieve its mandate.

While calling for more support from the LCBC to enable him to deliver his tasks of commanding the Force, Ali appreciated the Commission for leading the political angle of the mission.

The statement also quoted the Executive Secretary, LCBC, Amb. Mamman Nuhu as acknowledging the new Commander’s enthusiastic and inclusive leadership qualities.

This, he said, sets a positive precedent for the MNJTF, reflecting a clear commitment to the Force’s mandate.

He said the Commander’s encompassing leadership approach has been seen to boost morale within the ranks, promoting a unity of purpose towards achieving set objectives.

Nuhu, who is also the Head of Mission, MNJTF, highlighted the unwavering commitment exhibited by the Troops Contributing Countries (TCCs).

“Their continued support is a testament of the collective will to establish and maintain security in the region.

“Also, their dedication is a pivotal factor in the progression and success of the MNJTF’s operations,” Nuhu was quoted as saying in the statement.

It will be recalled that Ali took over recently as the 10th Force Commander of the MNJTF.

Hamza Suleiman

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