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Dazzling triumph: D’Tigress ignites Olympic path amidst victory’s glory!




In an electrifying proclamation that reverberates like a rallying call, the Federal Government’s thunderous voice echoes across the courts, urging the soaring warriors of D’Tigress, Nigeria’s women’s national basketball team, to embrace the spoils of their conquest while shunning the shadows of vice.

The crescendo of this mandate resounded from the lips of Alhaji Ismaila Abubakar, the indomitable Permanent Secretary of the Federal Ministry of Sports and Youth Development, as he seized the spotlight on a momentous Sunday.

Amidst a luminous celebration held at the VIP lounge of the Moshood Abiola National Stadium in Abuja, the echoes of victory danced in the air, intertwining with an urgent plea: “In sports, you must be a clean athlete; by this, I mean you should shun drug addiction and other forms of social vices.”

As the sun cast its golden embrace upon the heroes of D’Tigress, they returned triumphantly from the heart of Kigali, Rwanda – the battlegrounds of the 2023 FIBA Women’s Afrobasket tournament. A triumphant journey etched with sweat, determination, and undying spirit. The tale crescendo to a sensational 84-74 victory over Senegal in the tournament’s final, solidifying their claim as African champions for the fourth consecutive time.

Within the waves of this victory, Alhaji Ismaila Abubakar ignited a fire of inspiration, affirming that even President Bola Tinubu basked in the brilliance of their achievement. This triumphant march wasn’t just a win; it was an embodiment of the indomitable Nigerian spirit. “They should always be prepared whenever they are called upon to represent the country, especially now that the Olympics will be coming up in 2024 in France,” Alhaji Ismaila Abubakar’s words echoed with resounding resolve, unveiling the pathway to an even grander stage.

As the players stood as pillars of triumph, the heartbeats of their coaches resonated in the background, blending into a harmonious symphony of victory. Rena Wakama, the guiding light of D’Tigress, radiated gratitude for the honor to lead this indomitable team. Applauding the players for etching their names into the annals of history, she stood proud as they ensured the nation’s record of triumph remained unbroken.

Amidst this sea of champions, one star shone brightest: the Most Valuable Player (MVP) of the tournament, Amy Okonkwo. Her voice, charged with emotion, testified to the love, unity, and indomitable spirit that underpinned their success. A journey fraught with challenges, she attributed the victory to the unbreakable bond that held them together as a team.

As the celebrations cascaded onward, D’Tigress Point Guard, Elizabeth Bologun, stepped forth, her words carrying an entreaty for the future. Acknowledging their toughest match against Mozambique, she called upon the federation to invest in their journey, providing them with the tools of victory, an array of assorted kits that would become their armor in battles yet to come.

This monumental victory inscribes D’Tigress as the second team ever, following their Senegalese counterparts, to seize four consecutive titles. With an unbeaten streak spanning 23 games, their legacy shines as a beacon of unparalleled athleticism. Amidst the echoes of victory, the government’s call resonates – a plea to revel in the glory while walking the path of virtue. This is the saga of D’Tigress, a tale of triumph that blazes forth, kindling the flames of Olympic dreams amidst the glory of victory.

Emmanuel Afonne

NEWSVERGE, published by The Verge Communications is an online community of international news portal and social advocates dedicated to bringing you commentaries, features, news reports from a Nigerian-African perspective. A unique organization, founded in the spirit of Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, comprising of ordinary people with an overriding commitment to seeking the truth and publishing it without fear or favour. The Verge Communications is fully registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of the Federal Republic of Nigeria as a corporate organization.



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