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25-year-old faces trial for sinister stash of 24 ATM cards



In a dramatic courtroom spectacle that left onlookers in awe, a 25-year-old man, Akintomiwa Oluwasegun, was brought before the hallowed Ado-Ekiti Chief Magistrates’ Court.

The electrifying charge? Alleged possession of a staggering 24 ATM cards—a sinister arsenal of potential financial turmoil.

This riveting legal saga unfolded as the defendant, whose whereabouts remain shrouded in mystery, faced the harrowing accusations. With the nation’s eyes transfixed on this high-stakes legal drama, the stakes couldn’t be higher.

Insp Olubu Apata, the formidable police prosecutor, painted a chilling picture for the court. According to his spine-tingling narrative, the defendant, on the fateful day of August 4, unleashed a wave of trepidation upon Ado-Ekiti at precisely 11:00 a.m. It was then that the ominous discovery was made—24 Automated Teller Machine (ATM) cards clenched in the iron grip of the accused, each card a potential instrument of unrelenting financial chaos.

Whispers of intrigue echoed through the courtroom as Apata further alleged that these 24 cards, like an arsenal of malevolent weapons, had been collected and held with a sinister intent—to be wielded as tools of crime. The air grew tense as the court absorbed the gravity of the situation.

The charged atmosphere was fueled by the knowledge that the very fabric of Ekiti’s Criminal Laws was under scrutiny. Apata wasted no time invoking Section 416(2) of the Criminal Laws of Ekiti State 2021—an ominous reminder of the grave consequences that awaited the accused.

As the courtroom buzzed with anticipation, Apata, a master of suspense, urged the court to adjourn the case. He sought time to delve into the shadows of this enigmatic affair, to unearth the truth and gather his formidable witnesses.

The moment of truth arrived, and Oluwasegun, the young man at the center of this legal tempest, stood tall. With unwavering resolve, he declared his innocence, sparking a fervent debate that reverberated throughout the chambers.

His staunch defender, the formidable Mrs. Funmilayo Akinwunmi, stepped forth to champion his cause. With unshakable conviction, she pleaded for justice, beseeching the court to grant her client bail. Akinwunmi’s eyes blazed with fiery determination as she vowed that Oluwasegun would not evade the clutches of the law.

In a moment that left even the most seasoned court attendees on the edge of their seats, the Chief Magistrate, the honorable Mr. Saka Afunso, delivered his ruling. He cast his verdict, granting Oluwasegun a glimmer of hope—a bail set at the sum of N50,000, a mere token for his release. But this lifeline came with strings attached—a pair of sureties, one of whom must be a closely-knit relative.

As the gavel fell, the courtroom exhaled a collective breath. August 24 was etched onto the legal calendar—a day when the echoes of this spine-chilling saga would resound once again within the hallowed halls of justice.

Funmilayo Okunade

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