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Zelensky vows ‘No Mercy’ after tragic attack



A ferocious storm of revenge is brewing as President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine pledges unyielding retaliation after a heart-rending tragedy struck the southern Ukrainian region of Kherson.

The sinister shelling by Russian artillery claimed the lives of an innocent family of four, igniting a firestorm of fury that echoes across the globe.

Zelensky’s words thundered with determination as he declared, “Every occupier destroyed, every piece of Russian equipment burned, fire instead of their headquarters and warehouses, the very eloquent smoke on Kerch bridge and more – all this proves that we will not leave any of Russia’s crimes unanswered.” The president’s fervent message, delivered through a poignant Telegram video, was a declaration of war, a vow that each act of aggression would be met with equal force.

The somber echoes of Kherson’s agony reverberated as seven lives were extinguished, and fifteen more were marred by injury. In the village of Shyroka Balka, Russian artillery unleashed a nightmare, ending the lives of five souls – a family of four, a father, a mother, a 12-year-old son, and a newborn baby girl, only three weeks old. The tragedy unfolded in the early hours of Sunday, casting a pall of grief over the land.

Russian artillery relentlessly pounded the region, its deadly dance of destruction leaving no respite. Zelensky revealed that Kherson had suffered a staggering 17 shelling assaults during that fateful day. The aftermath, a heartrending symphony of sorrow, compelled the local military administration to announce a day of mourning for the fallen.

The pain deepened with the revelation that the baby girl’s parents were among the casualties. Interior Minister Ihor Klymenko shared the devastating news on Telegram. The baby’s 12-year-old brother, gripped by life-threatening injuries, was rushed to the hospital, a fragile thread clinging to hope. Tragically, that thread snapped, marking yet another life snuffed out by the brutal conflict.

As the shadow of war darkened the region, neighboring village Stanislav also became a witness to tragedy. Two more lives were claimed by the relentless shelling. The cacophony of explosions shattered the tranquility of the Dnipro River’s western bank, once again a battleground for a conflict that has wreaked havoc on innocent lives.

The toll of Russia’s aggression is staggering, with Ukrainian prosecutors revealing the grim reality of over 500 children lost and 1,100 more injured due to the invasion. The battlegrounds, rife with danger, are marked by minefields, trenches, and other deadly obstacles.

The interview with Defence Minister Oleksii Reznikov in Britain’s Guardian unveiled a harrowing reality of minefields spanning hundreds of kilometers, a gruesome testament to the ferocity of the battle.

Ukraine stands undaunted, facing an adversary of unparalleled brutality. As President Zelensky beckons for international assistance, the world watches with bated breath, hoping that justice will be swift, the retaliation unyielding, and the innocent spared from further anguish.

Emmanuel Yashim

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