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Christmas: Akpabio urges Nigerians to rekindle hope in God



Senate President Godswill Akpabio has urged Nigerians to rekindle their hope in God for better days in the country as the Christmas draw nearer.

The Senate President gave this admonition on Sunday in Abuja while at the 20th Carol of Nine Lessons organized by the Nigeria Television Authority (NTA), Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria (FRCN) and Voice of Nigeria (VON).
It was reported that the theme of the programme is “Jesus our hope” and it had other dignitaries like the former Head of State, Gen. Yakubu Gowon, President of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), Archbishop Daniel Okoh among others.
Akpabio said that Nigerians should  be hopeful about President Bola Tinubu’s administration as better days were ahead of the country.
He described Christmas season as “a time of reflection and not a period for total jollification” while urging Nigerians to remain patriotic as better days are ahead with life changing initiatives of President Tinubu administration.
“Let us reflect on the theme of this programme “Jesus our hope” Christmas is a season of reflection, we must rekindle hope, we must forgive one another as we step into Christmas.
“This Christmas season reminds us that our hope in Jesus lives,” Akpabio said.
Mrs Msurshima Kighir, FRCN Director of Programme, urged Nigerians to place their hope in God even in the midst of present difficulties with some Nigerians, saying that there is nothing God cannot do.
“My message to Nigerians is that they should place their hope in God, there is nothing God cannot do even though things are very difficult at the moment, but with God all things are possible.
“As the theme for the service of nine lessons and Carol says “Jesus our hope”, Jesus is truly the hope of mankind, challenges are there, difficulties are there but with Jesus, this moment shall pass and it will end in praise,” she stressed.
Rev Sam Aboyeji, the General Overseer of Foursquare Gospel Church also hinged his message on the theme of the event.
According to Aboyeji, if we must fight a good warfare against poverty, we must remain steadfast as one Nigeria.
It was reported that the carol of nine lessons began with the lighting of the Christmas light by the  Gen. Gowon, accompanied by various dignitaries and this chronicle the birth of Jesus Christ.
Aderogba George

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