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Court dissolves 11-year-old “loveless“ marriage



Return my virginity, good health, if you want dissolution — Wife tells husband

An Upper Area Court, Kubwa, Abuja on Friday, dissolved a 11-year-old marriage between a housewife, Oloyede Oyetola and her husband, Subiar Afolabi for lack of love.

The Judge, Muhammad Wakili, dissolved the marriage according to Islamic Law, following Oyetola’s prayer for divorce on grounds of lack of love.

Wakili also ordered Oyetola to observe “Iddah”, which is a-three month period of observation after the judgment before contracting another marriage.

Earlier, the petitioner told the court that she got married to Afolabi under Islamic law in 2013, which union produced two children.

She said that she had been having marital issues for almost four years, saying in spite of family intervention, the situation had not changed.

“We have been separated for two years and I have been solely taking care of the children and paying their school fees,” she told the court.

She, however, prayed the court to dissolve the marriage on the said ground, saying she did not love him anymore.

The respondent, however, consented to the divorce request.

Joy Kaka

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