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FG to deploy technology to combat security challenges–Minister



The Federal Government says it is making tremendous efforts to deploy technology towards combating the security challenges bedeviling the country particularly banditry and insurgency.

The Minister of Defence, Alhaji Badaru Abubakar made this known in an interview with newsmen when he attended the Annual Pre -Ramadhan Meeting of the Majlis Ash Shurah, which was held in Kaduna on Tuesday.

He said that technology would help troops of the Nigerian Army to monitor the movement of bandits and other criminal elements, in order to face the full action of the troops before targeting any place.

He, however, called on the Islamic scholars to use the forthcoming Ramadan preaching sessions to pray fervently for the success of the current government and development of Nigeria as a country.

Meanwhile, the Supreme Council for Shari’ah in Nigeria (SCSIN) has called on the Federal Government to rescind the idea of abolishing all subsidies.

The President of the council, Sheikh Abdurrasheed Hadiytullah, made the plea at the Annual Pre-Ramadhan Meeting of the Majlis Ash Shurah.

He said,” This is as even as the council calls on the Federal Government to perish the thought of plans to totally abolish all subsidies and commercialize strategic public agencies.

He, however, tasked the Muslim Ummah to stay away from hate speech to avoid causing violence, adding that Islam is not a religion of violence but love and unity.

Hadiytullah said, “We should in unison, keep appealing to our governments to take concrete steps to address the issue of corruption, leakages and wasteful spending.

”Corruption is like a cancer, which destroys everything noble and undermines the principles of good governance.”

The council also called on the Muslim Ummah to fervently pray during the sacred month of Ramadan and beyond for peace in Nigeria and divine solutions to the various challenges facing Nigeria.

He said, “In addition, we call on all governments to also consider organizing community feeding for them, in as many centres, especially during the time of iftar.”

The president also emphasized the need for Nigerians to stand united in love and peace as only then can the challenges be conquered.

Hussaina Yakubu

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