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SMEDAN, Microsoft train Sokoto entrepreneurs on Artificial Intelligence for higher productivity



The Small and Medium Scale Enterprises Development Agency (SMEDAN) in collaboration with Microsoft Nigeria, on Monday trained Sokoto entrepreneurs on Artificial intelligence (AI) for higher productivity.

The training Head, who is also the Assistant Enterprise Officer, Mr Abdul Adamu-Muhammad said the training was a pilot programme initiated by SMEDAN in Sokoto and Ogun States to leverage on mobile phone use for businesses.

Adamu-Muhammad said the initiative aimed at keying in into the global trends of shifting from local or traditional methods to modern ways of using AI in all transactions.

He said: “Our entrepreneurs should not be left behind in improving productivity, capacity and linkages for higher productive gains.

”Artificial Intelligence refers to the simulation or approximation of human intelligence in machines and the goals include information technology enhanced learning, reasoning, transactions and perception.”

The training head underscored the need to create representation and contribution to indigenous AI in the country and expressed optimism that SMEDAN would expand the programme in recognition of its importance.

Earlier, SMEDAN’s Center Manager in Sokoto, Mr Mu’azu Bara’u, said no fewer that 140 persons physically participated in the training, while vast others joined the training online.

Bara’u said SMEDAN advertised for the training online and participants were from the 23 local government areas of the state.

He commended the management of SMEDAN for the initiative towards boosting the capacity of indeginous entrepreneurs on accessing AI services for business productivity.

Lead Facilitator, Mr Peter Kolapo, dwelled on artificial intelligence, applications, software programmes and categories, while stressing the importance of artificial intelligence in the nation’s growth.

He said that with adequate training, AI would close the gap and solve some of the challenges associated with productivity.

According to him, there is need to develop the culture of innovation, incentives, make space, hubs, hackathons, students start ups and technology entrepreneurs.

He said with AI technology, people could attract income, generate employments and make good living from thier homes.

Kolafe said mobile phones usage go beyond making calls and engaging on social media, adding that more money could be made through the AI services.

A cross section of the participants expressed appreciation over the training, describing it as a boost to thier potentialities in business transactions, circulation and other linkages.

Habibu Harisu

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