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Democrats in fear after Biden’s raspy voice at Presidential debate



Following President Joe Biden’s performance at the CNN Presidential debate, many Democrats have expressed concerns over his (Biden) raspy voice and disjointed, rambling answers about his age and ability to take on former President Donald Trump.

NEWSVERGE monitored the debate and found many of the President’s answers hard to follow.

According to a source in text messages to a political medium, Democrats expressed confusion and concern as they watched the first minutes of the event.

One former Biden White House and campaign aide called it “terrible,” adding that they have had to ask themselves over and over “What did he just say? This is crazy.”

Another party member in Texas said that President Biden at one point, seemingly losing his train of thought, sighting a phrase from the debate, “we finally beat Medicare,” misspeaking about his policy on earned benefits.

Another veteran Democratic operative texted, “Biden seems to have needed a few minutes to warm up. I wonder if the lack of an audience was the right decision. And the poor guy needs tea. Maybe a whiskey.”

Jay Surdukowski, an attorney and Democratic activist from New Hampshire who co-chaired Martin O’Malley’s 2016 presidential campaign in the state, said, “Biden is toast — calling it now.”

Biden’s rambling answers provided Trump multiple opportunities to jump in with retorts. At one point, after an answer ostensibly on immigration, Trump said, “I don’t know what he said at the end there. I don’t think he knows what he said.”

The president’s performance was widely panned online and will likely reinforce the impression that he’s lost a step. The 81-year-old president’s age has long been a liability, with poll after poll showing even many Democrats concerned about his age.

Biden aides and allies had hoped the on-stage split screen between the two men would help to focus voters’ attention on the race. But during the debate, many Democrats have begun to doubt that strategy would work out in Biden’s favor.

A person familiar with Biden’s health claimed that his performance is due to a cold. But the president’s team hadn’t mentioned that to reporters until Biden began to answer questions in the debate.

Abiodun Adelowokan

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