The Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) market indicators on Friday sustained positive trend, appreciating by 0.81 per cent, barely 24 hours to the general election.
The market indices of the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) on Thursday recorded marginal growth of 0.12 per cent.
Trading on the nation’s bourse swayed southward on Wednesday to record its first depreciation in February, shedding 0.15 per cent.
The nation’s bourse sustained bullish trend on Tuesday with the market capitalisation hitting N12 trillion mark for the first time in 2019, in spite of the...
Contrary to market expectations ahead of the general elections, activities resumed for the week on the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) on a positive trend with a...
The Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) on Friday moved a total of 723.79 million shares valued at N12.21 billion in 5,752 deals.
The indices of the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) maintained a positive trend on Thursday with the market capitalisation gaining N229 billion in one day, ahead of...
Activities on the nation’s bourse, on Wednesday sustained positive trend for the third consecutive day, with Nestle Nigeria leading the gainers’ chart.
Crucial indicators of the performance of the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) on Tuesday recorded a marginal growth of 0.09 per cent following cautious trading, ahead of...
Activities on the Nigerian Stock Exchange opened for the week northward on Monday appreciating by 0.35 per cent with 16 price gainers and 20 losers.