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Adopting modern milk production technology will increase Nigeria’s GDP – AFAN



The All Farmers Association of Nigeria (AFAN) says embracing and adopting new technologies for milk and meat production will increase Nigeria’s GDP, while ending farmer- herdsmen clashes.

Mr Farouk Rabi’u-Mudi, the President of AFAN, stated this on Tuesday in Abuja at the 1st edition of the National Symposium on livestock breed improvement and pasture development.

Our correspondent reports that NIgeria records two and a half litres per cow, but while Denmark hits a total of 35 litres milk production per cow.

“That’s more than 20 times our normal production here in Nigeria, only 400 cows in Denmark is equivalent to 5,000 cows in Nigeria.

“I was in Denmark last year and I saw a good improvement on how we can improve our livestock, milk and beef production in Nigeria.

“Meanwhile, Denmark has been able to increase their GDP through livestock and milk production. It is a very simple technology which NIgeria can key into.

“We are already in partnership with them, open grazing is not ideal for milk production,” Rabi’u-Mudi said.

According to him, about 5,000 youths are going to be empowered through the system of cattle breeder.

“We are going to empower the women through some private sectors that are willing to fund the business.

“With this private sector, we are looking at sustainability because government policies change from time to time,” he added.

Mr Akeem Ibilade, the Deputy Director, Department of Animal Husbandry, Federal Ministry of Agriculture, said that having partners that would help our livestock development in the country is a cheering development.

“If we are talking about Pasteur development, everyone will benefit. We expect it will reduce farmers/herdmen clash, because if the breeders have feed for their cattle, there will be no need roaming around the streets.

“This development will bring more milk and meat, we are planning on national livestock development plan to create more awareness in a few months, we have the media as partners too,” he said.

Also speaking, Mr Nasmir Nakas, Founder Livestock Genetics, said that they are happy to be partnering with Nigeria on livestock development, stressing that a great future awaits NIgeria on livestock development.

Patricia Amogu

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